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The Royal Marines  (RM360)(RM) trace their origins back to 1664, Therefore, this year we celebrate the 360th anniversary of the Corps and a regimental history that has spanned the globe in support of Britain's interests. Today, the Royal Marines continually evolve to ensure the UK Commando Force, consisting of five task grouped Commando Units as well as specialist intelligence and support units approximately 6000 personnel, remain at the forefront of modern special operations in a dynamic political environment. Royal Marines have served in every British Campaign since WWII. During the last two decades the level of Royal Marines operational deployment has been extraordinary! They currently provide approximately 47% of UK Special Forces. The result is a disproportionate number of killed and wounded. For many of the wounded, physical or mental injury will remain with them to the end of their lives.


The Royal Marines Reserve (RMR)

Based from centres in; Scotland, London, Merseyside and Bristol, the RMR provides fully training part-time Commandos to support regular operations. Reservists manage their civilian occupations alongside their Royal Marines careers, complete the same Commando course to the same demanding standards. Alternatively, former regular Royal Marines who choose to adjust their 'life priorities' or, on completion of a fixed term of service, may opt to transfer to reserve serve. Reservists play an active role in global operations, doing the same job as your regular counterparts, as part of the most elite amphibious fighting force in the world 


Royal Marines Association - The Royal Marines Charity

On 1st April 2019, the Royal Marines Association and The Royal Marines Charity officially merged to become the single, central pillar of support to the Royal Marines Family. It embraces and embodies the Corps’ family; regular and reserve Royal Marines past and present, as well as their dependants. The membership grows continually to include all elements of the Royal Marines. It is free to join and is now open to Associates and 'Supporters' who wish to join.The newly formed single agency, known as RMA - The Royal Marines Charity, provides flexible response to support Royal Marines and their families, as well as Veterans throughout their lives. To continue and improve this support is a serious challenge. Geographical and virtual (interest group) Branches are supported by Regional representatives. The Scottish and Northern Ireland Region has Branches in Inverness, Arbroath, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Belfast, with the intention of reforming another in the Aberdeen/shore area.

IN the current economic climate, the escalating costs constitute significant pressure for all businesses and families. This is more so the case for military charities when; the is no constant reminder of the human costs of conflict and its aftermath; the available funds become harder to find and the cost of support in all its forms, becomes more challenging to the organisation...


But meeting a ‘challenge’ is what Royal Marines do best 


Now, we need Your help - to help ourselves.  This fundraising event will go some small way to protect the future of those who protected us! Your support will directly aid elderly and infirm veterans, our physically or psychologically injured, bereaved and needy families. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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 RMA - The Royal Marines Charity is a Charity registered in England and Wales (1134205)
and Scotland (SC 048185)
and is a charitable Company Limited by Guarantee (07142012)

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